Sunday 5 April 2015

Spring cleaning

Now that the days are getting longer and the sun is warmer, we often feel the urge to clean and tidy our homes.

It's as though we have been in partial hibernation and we are now awake, and feel the need to bring order and neatness to our life.

As well as Spring cleaning our homes and gardens, we should also think about Spring cleaning our lives.

Are there things that we used to enjoy, but now do because it has become routine?

Are there things that we would like to start but we don't have the time to do so?

By doing a Spring clean of our life, we can discard the clutter that has built up, make space, feel free.

We can gain time, time to start something fresh and exciting and say goodbye to the old.

Open the windows of your mind today and give it a good airing to bring in the new and blow away the old. Spring clean.

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