Monday 26 October 2015

True love

It is easy to love someone or something when all is going well, but it is not so easy to love when the going gets tough.

This is when true love arrives.

It is not so easy to love that special person when they are angry or are trying your patience.

It's not so easy to love when all you want to do is sleep, but they will not let you.

But to continue to love someone at these trying times is true love.

It is the love that survives adversity, illness and arguments.

It is the love that grows and burns after the first flush is over.

There are times when true love can be hard and all you want to do is to walk away.

But true love won't let you, because it runs deep within your being.

True love makes you strong, gives you a deep sense of belonging.

Embrace true love, because it truly is a gift worth keeping.

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